2d work

abstract print, black and white, slightly resembling things underwater self portrait of young woman, done in large pixels, painted with acrylic kettle, banana and apple on blue fabric, still life in pastel marker portrait of woman turning to face viewer with long hair self portrait in markers, in an slightly abstract style with bright colors charcoal drawing of three nude male figures print of a woman looking distressed at the viewer, with disembodied hands climbing up her, and with a halo print of a portrait of a woman with face scratched out, in black ink print of portrait of woman staring at viewer, in red and black black and white print of alleyway into neighbourhood with trees covered in snow self portrait of woman staring at ghost figure in corner of image, on orange paper portrait of luna lovegood from harry potter in watercolor and colored pencil portrait of young woman with hands coming out of her mouth and with a halo, looking distressed in watercolor, colored pencil, and gold acrylic paint alternative version of expectations, woman with hands crawling up her and with a halo, with layered prints at different opacities.

graphic design work

image of A and M on top of each other then below in the corner. c and e facing each other and then away from each other. image of a dagger and a description of the symbol and its history image of the less than symbol with text about the history within it

Sources for text on dagger and less than pieces:

wikipedia article on the inequality symbol

wikipedia article on less than sign

wikipedia article on the dagger symbol.